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With each chapter ending a cliffhanger, the book is a page-turner filled with excitement and suspense.

His extensive research on the Old West has paid off. His characters come alive in this tale of western desperadoes, a good guy with a cool name, and the mystererious ability he has to stay alive...


Highly recommended."
Historical Novel Reviews

Johnny Montana

In the Redhawk Mining District, he is known as Johnny Montana. It is the name given to him by those who followed him to the Northwest gold fields in the spring of 1863. Now, with a harsh Montana winter about to descend upon them, all Johnny and his partners want to do is go home. And all that stands in their way is a highly organized gang of thieves and murderers.

Others have tried to escape the Redhawk District with their summer's cache of gold, but none have succeeded. Now they are turning to one man, asking him to accomplish what heavily armed parties have so far failed to achieve -- get their gold out of Montana, before the outlaws come for it. One man, one woman, $60,000 worth of gold -- against a horde of bloodthirsty killers.


[A]...lean, efficient story of survival against overwhelming odds.

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-Wrangler and Spur Winner-

Michael Zimmer

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